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Centralina WDB Area Plan


View Centralina WDB Local Area Plan Here! *As of Thursday, June 27, 2024.


[WIOA Section 108(d) and 108(b)(20)] states the Local WDB shall make copies of the proposed Local Area Plan available to the public through electronic and other means to allow for public comment.

Inquiries can be submitted, in writing, via mail or email at the address(es) below during the Wednesday May 01, 2024, to Friday June 28, 2024. Subject line should read: "PY 2024 Plan Comment".


Centralina Regional Council
Mr. David Hollars
10735 David Taylor Drive - Suite 250
Charlotte, NC 28262

Mr. David Hollars, Centralina WDB Executive Director, at dhollars@centralina.org and/or
Ms. Sherika Rich, Centralina WDB Assistant Director at srich@centralina.org.
If you need additional information, let us know!


The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires each Local Area Workforce Development Board (WDB) to develop and submit, in partnership with the chief local elected official (CLEO), a comprehensive four-year plan. The WIOA Comprehensive Four-Year Title I Plan is to provide current information and local policies to be effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2028.

The local / regional plan supports the alignment strategy described in the PY 2024 - 2026 Updated WIOA Unified State Plan in accordance with WIOA Section 102(b)(1)(E), and will be maintained to otherwise be consistent with any modifications made to the NC Unified State Plan.


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