Are you struggling to keep up with customer demand? Do you know you could increase revenue if you were able to capture a bit more efficiency with new equipment or more highly skilled staff? The business services team at Centralina WDB is trained to help you recognize ways to grow your bottom line, reduce expenses, stay competitive, and ramp up the skills of your staff to improve efficiencies and meet customer needs. Strategic Partners – Centralina WDB Business Services and You.
Talent acquisition assistance and talent retention strategies are an important part of ensuring a quality workforce for our businesses. Work-based learning opportunities such as On the Job Training, Work Experience placements, and Apprenticeship address your needs to hire skilled staff while increasing your capacity to serve your customers. With our talent attraction resources, you'll save money by reducing expenses related to recruiting and hiring and by managing turnover. Here are a few of the services available to Centralina businesses:
Our NCWorks Career Centers recruit, screen, and provide you with qualified applicants so that you can quickly fill critical openings with the right people.
We can provide training resources and funding for your new or existing employees by offering on-the-job training instruction as well as off-site classes at local community colleges and other training venues. UpSkill Centralina grants provides funding for training designed to address employees' skill gaps and assist with business growth.
Grow the talent you need. Apprenticeships combine on-the-job training with classroom learning to contribute to long-term growth.
Connection to Workforce Data
We can provide the latest labor market information, future projections, and local wage and salary data, helping you remain competitive.
Tax Credits and Incentives
We can help you discover if you are eligible for these benefits to help your bottom line.
Business Start-Up Services
We can work with you to develop processes that help you build your business and workforce to be successful.
Outplacement Services
We offer myriad of outplacement services to assist you in finding other employment for your workers should the need arise.
Contact our Business Services Team to learn more.
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